ROCKS " A to Z"
REFERENCE No NAME RICHARD TAYLER MINERALS Rocks for sale. Sizes CM 2x5 5x5 5x7 7x10
R41 AGGLOMERATE angular fragments in matrix, Various £1 £2 £4
R1 ALNOITE Alnoite Breccia a - rare type of Carbonatite,with mica, feldspar,etc. Alno Island, Sweden £2 £4 £6 £12
R2 ANDESITE Grey green fine grained Buttermere,Cumbria £1 £2 £3 £5
R10 ANDESITE PORPHYRY, pale , very rich in ANDESINE South of France £2 £4 £6
R52 ANDESITE Grey with some black Kaersutite Siatorska Slovakia £2 £4

R275 ANDRADITE Rock From metamorphosed Lower Culm Measures Belston Mine, Okehampton Devon £1.50 £3 £5
R4 ANORTHOSITE PEGMATITE pinkish plagioclase cleavages in feldspar Near Kragero Norway £1.50 £3 £5
R230 APLITE fine grained white mass Meldon Devon £1 £1.50 £3
R129 BASALT Dark grey with just a few infilled vesicles Mull Scotland £1 £2 £3
R7 BASALT Good standard amygdaloidal material Skye Scotland £1 £2 £4 £4
R176 BASALT Dark grey mass Le Cheix Puy de Dome France £1 £2 £3 £6
R261 BASALT grey fine grained mass 2x5 cm only Mitsukosi,Hizen,Saga Pre., Japan £2.50

R54 BASALT, with Augite Brownish with glassy black Augite around 2 to 5mm Puy de Corrent France £1 £2.50 £5
R171 BONE BED Conglomeritic , small bones in matrix. Gloucestershire £1 £2.50 £4
R103 BRECCIA angular fragments in matrix .A good Breccia Brockram Cumbria £1 £2 £4
R266 CALC SIILICATE ROCK ,Diopside cleavages in calcite with minor mica Loch Duich Scotland £2 £4 £8
R270 CARBONATITE creamy mass with mica etc Germany £3 £6

R106 CHALK pure white masses Surrey £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R107 CHALK, RED pure red-brown like bauxite Hunstanton Norfolk £1 £1.50 £2.50
R108 CLAY brown-grey masses in plastic bag Surrey £1 £1.50

R110 CONGLOMERATE Round pebbles in siliceous matrix. Excellent material Hertfordshire "Pud" £1 £2 £4
R278 DIATOMACEOUS EARTH light weight grey-brown mass West Indies £2 £4

R14 DIORITE Reddish-green Mountsorrel, Leicestershire £1 £2.50

R15 DIORITE grey-green fairly fine texture Cockermouth Cumbria £1 £2 £3
R17 DIORITE black and white , coarser than R15 Kentallen, Scotland £2

R251 DIORITE Fairly fine grained black-grey mass vallee des Vaux, Jersey £1.50 £3

R216 DIORITE-QUARTZ 3mm phenocrysts of two feldspars with biotite and quartz. Glencoe £1.50 £2.50 £3.50
R209 DOLERITE grey and white quite coarse grained for a dolerite Gimlet Quarry ,Pwllheli, North Wales £1 £2.50 £4
R16 DOLERITE good grey standard material Various locations £1 £1.50 £2.50 £4
R69 DUNITE grey green mass of olivine with some cleavages of green Pyroxene Aheim Norway £2.50 £5 £7.50
R60 ECLOGITE Red Garnet in Omphacite (not the really colourful material)
£3 £6

R20 ESSEXITE conspicuous augite phenocrysts in a pale background Southern Scotland £2 £4 £6
R228 FELSITE pinkish-brown dyke rock Goldsithney, Cornwall £1.50 £2.50 £3.50
R274 FLAGSTONE Black-grey banded (ORS) Caithness Scotland £1 £2.50 £4 £6
R24 GABBRO Quartz gabbro about 6mm grain size Ardnamurchan Scotland £1.50 £3 £4
R282 GABBRO META-GABBRO. With Hornblende Scapolite, some with ilmenite. Sondeled South Norway £3 £5 £10
R200 GABBRO medium grained black and white Lizard Cornwall £1.50 £3 £4.50 £6
R273 GEYSERITE Light weigh mass, (Siliceous Sinter) New Zealand £3 £5 £9
R75 GNEISS granular,black/ white ,2-3mm grain size. Akland Norway £1 £2 £4
R76 GNEISS Scapolite. Othoclase,mica, maybe corundum Ontario Canada £1 £2

R71 GNEISS black and white,with some banding. West Scotland £1.50 £2.50 £3.50
R72 GNEISS pinkish, showing some banding Scotland £1.50 £2.50 £3.50
R283 GNEISS SILLIMANITE .Grey/white with some Sillimanite at X10. New York State USA £3 £6 £9
R29 GRANITE SHAP GRANITE pink porphyry texture Shap Cumbria £1 £2 £4
R21 GRANITE white, fine-grained with black Zinnwaldite Glen Gairn East Scotland £1.50 £3 £6
R246 GRANITE Pink medium grained L'Etacq Quarry, Jersey. £1 £2 £3
R252 GRANITE Medium grained grey-black Redhills, Skye £1 £1.50 £2.50 £5
R284 GRANITE TOURMALINIZED black tourmaline in Feldspar,pink + some quartz Cornwall £1.50 £3 4.50
R26 GRANITE standard material with white feldspar Dartmoor Devon £1 £2 £3 £5
R30 GRANITE pink to red feldspars Various locations £1 £1.50 £2.50 £5
R28 GRANITE RAPAKIVI , circular dark brown- pink feldspars Finland £1 £2 £4
R237 GRANITE fine grained grey with spots of biotite Isle of Arran Scotland £1 £2 £4
R226 GRANITE porphyry small pink phenocrysts in pinkish-brown Camborne Cornwall £1 £2 £3 £5
R168 GRANODIORITE HORNBLENDE, pinkish with hornblende Strontian, Scotland £2

R221 GRANOPHYRE Pinkish brown mass Carrock area, Cumbria £1 £2 £3
R213 GREISEN grey crystalline with mica Cligga Cornwall £1 £1.50 £3 £5
R31 GREISEN fine grained brownish-yellow Caldbeck fells Cumbria £1.50 £2.50 £3.50
R78 HORNFELS Hard grey black masses Skiddaw Cumbria £1 £2 £3
R201 HORNFELS ANDALUSITE rich in pinkish andalusite Brittany France £2 £4

R79 HORNFELS Calc-silicate Hornfels Okehampton Devon £1.50 £3

R218 HORNFELS-STRIPED grey black striped, quite attractive Mull,Scotland £1.50 £3 £4
R274 IGNIMBRITE brownish-pink partially banded. Dingle Peninsula S. Ireland £1.50 £3 £5
R280 IRONSTONE BANDED SILICAEOUS, brown banded, the matrix of Opal Queensland Australia £2 £4 £6
R33 KENTALLENITE dark, patches of Biotite, Type of syenogabbro Kentallen Scotland £1.50 £3 £4.50
R118 LIMESTONE OOLITIC (Jurassic) excellent examples
£1 £1.50 £2
R114 LIMESTONE grey masses (Carboniferous) Derbyshire £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R116 LIMESTONE CRINOIDAL with parts of Crinoid stems Derbyshire £1 £2

R125 LIMESTONE SHELLY. Shows small shells. Jurassic Various £1 £1.50 £2
R128 LIMESTONE Freshwater Limestone, white mass (Oligocene) Isle of Wight £1 £2 £3
R249 LIMESTONE grey mass, wenlock limestone Gt. Wenlock, Shropshire £1 £1.50 £2 £3.50
R82 MARBLE pure white massive Carrara Italy £1 £1.50 £2.50
R55 MARBLE Iona marble white with greenish yellow areas Iona Scotland £1 £1.50 £3
R217 MARBLE SKYE yellow-green in white matrix Skye Scotland £1 £1.50 £2.50
R130 MARL/SILTSTONE red brown mass Aust Glos £1 £1.50 £2
R34 MICROGRANITE fine grained pale brown-grey Hingston Cornwall £1 £1.50 £2.50 £4
R242 MICROGRANITE fine grained pink mass. Dufton Pike,Cumbria £1.50 £3 £4
R131 MILLSTONE GRIT pinkish mass. Derbyshire £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R132 MUDSTONE hard grey masses Dorset £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R38 OBSIDIAN Black 1x1 inch 60p various locations £1.50 £3

R40 PEGMATITE Feldspar and quartz, coarse texture, no mica Various locations £1 £1.50 £2.50
R272 PEGMATITE Mainly grey crystalline Albite (Cleavelandite variety) plus minor quartz Varutrask, North Sweden £1.50 £3 £6
R42 PERIDOTITE Dark green fine grained mass with minor Pyrope Almklovdalen Norway £2.50 £5 £8
R264 PHONOLITE Hard grey mass with small vughs Aris Quarry Namibia £2

R276 PHYLLITE solid pale brown micaceous mass Belmont, Unst, Shetlands, Scotland £2 £3 £4 £6
R84 PHYLLITE fine grained, grey-green showing crenulations Scotland £1 £1.50 £3
R45 PITCHSTONE Grey-green vitreous Arran Scotland. 1x1ins 80p £2

R81 POLYPHANT STONE. Serpentinised Picrite, grey-green , fine grained Polyphant, Cornwall £1.50 £3

R49 PORPHYRY RHOMB ,rounded 1cm feldspar in dark fine grained. A bit sparse ! Hormunds Valla, Sweden £1 £2 £4.00
R231 PORPHYRY QUARTZ, small quartz and feldspar Phenocrysts in matrix Gwennap Cornwall £1 £1.50 £2 £5
R46 PUMICE light weight fawn mass. 1x1 70p various locations £1.50 £3

R86 QUARTZITE KYANITE, blue-grey with possible lazulite and or Rutile Horrsjoberg, Sweden £2.00

R222 QUARTZITE Greyish green , Sedimentary Ightham Kent £2 £3.50 £5
R133 QUARTZITE ORTHOQUARTZITE fine grained, mass, sedimentary Various locations £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R134 QUARTZITE with minor green copper minerals.(Permian age) Cap Garonne, France £1 £2 £3
R281 QUARTZITE white granular mass, just about pure QUARTZ Lochaline, Morvern, Scotland £1.50 £3 £5
R85 QUARTZITE META QUARTZITE, hard white masses, metamorphic North Wales £1 £1.50 £3 £5
R51 RHYOLITE Brownish to red-grey mass Glencoe or Langdale £1 £2 £3
R277 RHYOLITE pinkish-brown, with banding Criccieth Wales £1 £2.50 £4..00
R47 RHYOLITE Porphyritic . Quartz/feldspar phenocrysts in fine grained matrix Thirlmere Cumbria £1 £2 £3 £6
R250 SANDSTONE Aeolian, Orange-brown Penrith Sandstone near Penrith Cumbria £1.50 £2.50 £3.50 £6
R137 SANDSTONE brown mass (Cretaceous) Surrey £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R202 SANDSTONE purple-brown mass, (Cambrian) near St David's West Wales £1 £1.50 £2
R145 SANDSTONE GLAUCONITIC, green spots in calcareous sandstone Surrey £1 £1.50

R143 SANDSTONE Micaeous.fawn with fine micaceous bands Yorkshire £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R141 SANDSTONE TORRIDONIAN fine grained dark pink Loch Torridon Scotland £1.50 £2,50 £3.50 £7
R138 SANDSTONE CALCAREOUS 'Bargate stone' Surrey £1 £1.50 £2
R142 SANDSTONE Red brown mass Cumbria £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R139 SANDSTONE FERRUGINOUS , dark brown mass Various locations £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R151 SANDSTONE ARKOSE, fairly coarse grit stone with pink feldspar North West Scotland £1 £2.50 £4
R91 SCHIST GARNET , with small garnets and black mica Glen Roy, Scotland £1 £2.50 £5
R232 SCHIST pale green, talc-tremolite schist with Magnetite crystal sections Lom Norway £1.50 £2.50 £4 £7
R262 SCHIST THULITE making a pink mica schist, attractive Lom Norway £1.50 £3 £5
R210 SCHIST silvery(sericite) with possible dark chlorite Kaladar, Ontario 1x1" 90p

R90 SCHIST MUSCOVITE-BIOTITE with possible Corundum Norway 1x1ins 50p £1

R96 SCHIST HORNBLENDE schist fine grained hornblende in schist. various locations £1

R88 SCHIST BIOTITE schist , black masses in matrix various locations £1

R87 SCHIST fawn to silvery layered micaceous mass Various locations £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R164 SCHIST OTTRELITE black spots in mica schist Belgium £3 £5 £8
R279 SCHIST TALC White to pale greenish banded Norway £1 £2 £3 £5
R53 SERPENTINITE red-brown mass Lizard Cornwall £1 £1.50 £3 £5
R146 SHALE Grey layered mass Dorset £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R169 SILTSTONE greenish with red leisegange banding. Attractive Yorkshire £1 £2 £4
R97 SKARN Amphibole- mica -calcite (contact metamorphism) Ontario Canada £1 £2 £4
R158 SKARN MANGANOPHYLLITE, mica in calcite-dolomite Langban Sweden £1 £2 £4 £5
R140 SKARN mainly fine grained red-brown granular Almandine Brastad Iron Mine Norway £2.50 £5 £7.50
R157 SKARN ANDRADITE andradite in fine grained pyroxene Grua, Norway £2 £3 £5
R219 SKARN 'Tiree Marble' pink calcite with dark green silicates 1x1 £1.50 Tiree £3

R94 SLATE CHIASTOLITE, thin white crystals in grey slate Cumbria £1 £2 £4
R83 SLATE Grey , no cleavage, with one or two Chiastolite xl sections Brittany France £1.50 £3 £4.50
R92 SLATE standard dark mauve cleavage Wales £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R95 SLATE SPOTTED SLATE, yellowish with black spots edge of Dartmoor, Cornwall £1 £1.50 £3 £5
R224 SLATE grey cleavable mass Delabole, North Cornwall £1 £1.50 £2 £4
R150 SLATE dark grey near Oslo, Norway £1.50 £3 £4.50
R56 SYENITE fawn feldspar, with biotite/aegirine Ste Hilaire, Quebec £1 £2 £4
R58 SYENITE AEGIRINE white or pink feldspar with Aegrine Norway £1.50 £3 £4.50
R59 SYENITE feldspar, + or - Magnetite/Amphibole/Natrolite Tvedalen Norway £1.50 £2 £4
R61 SYENITE Catalpleite syenite fine grained green mass Norra Karr Sweden £1.50 £2.50 £3.50 £8
R62 SYENITE BORROLANITE grey and white feldspar Loch Borrolan Scotland £1 £2.50 £5
R172 SYENITE LARVIKITE grey, alkali feldspar syenite Larvik Norway £1 £1.50 £2
R32 TEPHRITE LEUCITE tephrite;leucite in fine grained basalt Rome Italy £1.50 £3 £5
R67 TUFF BANDED. Volcanic ash in banded layers Various locations £1 £1.50 £3
R253 TUFF Birds Eye Tuff, greenish slate like with circular lapilli Longsleddale, Cumbria £2.50 £4 £6
R68 TUFF Green volcanic ash, also called 'greenslate' Borrowdale Cumbria £1 £1.50 £2.50 £4
R63 VOGESITE Hornblende Lamprophyre many tiny hornblendes Loch Assynt Scotland £2 £3